Jul 27, 2013

Posted by in Featured, Lodge News


Welcome to the website of Tuckahoe Masonic Lodge No. 347. Our Lodge was  chartered February 14, 1923 by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of  Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Our Stated Communications are held on the first Thursday of every month  at 7:15 P.M. Dinner is served in the Lodge dining room at 6:30 P.M.  prior to each Stated Communication. Master Masons who are members in  good standing of Lodges recognized by the Grand Lodge of Virginia are  welcome to join us for dinner and attend our meetings. We encourage you  to “Bring a Brother with you!”

Classes of Masonic instruction are held every Thursday at 7 P.M. except  when a Stated or Called Communication is scheduled on Thursday; class is  then conducted on the preceding Wednesday at 7 P.M. No classes are held  during the month of December.

The Lodge is located at 5500 Bethlehem Road (corner of Bethlehem and  Dickens Roads) with ample parking available. The Lodge Room and dining  facilities are situated on ground level for easy access. For more  information and directions to our lodge, click here. The phone number at the Lodge is 804-288-5166, with voice  mail message service available.

We encourage you to search the links to our history, educational  programs, information about becoming a Mason, as well as the activities  of our Lodge.